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The excavation is finally at its lowest level. The river facing footing is scheduled at 5’ wide. The trench is 7’ wide and then ‘steps up’ to the flat as the footing runs north and will be buried from the outside.
The blue ribbons mark the riparian setback.
The orange ribbons note the grid lines from Hayden’s plans and are outside the building envelope
The rectangular hole is for the elevator shaft.
I will call for the required setbacks inspection.
There is an old travel trailer that I have moved on site. It will serve as a job shack.
Temp power is in place. We have water.
I have two ATV’s to run back and forth between the staging area and the building site. One has a dump bed. The other has a utility trailer attached.
July 9th, here we come.
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Thursday began like Wednesday ended. Load after load across the street and anywhere else we can think of. Finally I called a contractor friend of mine that was needing dirt for the guy next door. He showed up after lunch and took about 150 yards in the space of a couple hours. He will be back tomorrow and we will finish excavating a pad 50 x 80. The top floor excavation will be backfill for the bottom floors.
Of the pictures, the most telling is from across the river. Despite shelving out into the riparian buffer, we have made almost no visible impact on the shoreline.
Kevin sent me some stunning photos of his concrete work. I hope to have him join the effort. Rick talked fireplaces with me for about 30minutes today and sounds excited to be a part of this. Debbie finished two days in Chicago with Kohler. They are designing each of the bathrooms and have asked permission to come for a photo shoot when we finish. That’s cool.
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More of the same today. I am guessing we are moving almost 200 CY each day. The dump truck holds 5CY. The loader holds 3CY. The excavator digs and separates. The loader loads me. Then takes one load himself while I transport the 5 yards across the road. Rinse and Repeat.
We are down to bottom floor grade. It is higher then 16’ above OHW, but, the important variable is the height difference from bottom floor to driveway. I want that at about 25’ - 28’
At least one rock will need to be split. It seems to sit in the elevator shaft. The two fully exposed boulders can be rolled. We will partially dig them down into the riparian buffer.
The sheer volume of dirt movement is shocking. I keep waiting for God (or the County) to shut me down. But this is what was approved.
$120 spent on hoses for dust control by way of our gravity flow water system.
Two more days with the dump truck should do it.

Hi all:
Two equipment operators plus me behind the wheel of the dump truck. All day long.
Not pictured is the swale across the road that I have filled to a depth of about 8 feet.
Today focused on mining rocks and stockpiling for rockeries here and there. Finding places to place/store dirt is becoming a challenge.
We reached an elevation about 25’ above OHW and we flattened it out for effect. WOW
So far, only two rocks have proven unmovable. Both are on the river side of the 50’ line. Very lucky.
Tomorrow we are going to expand the flat to accommodate a 46 x 72 footprint. Then we will determine how much lower to dig. I do not think we will get to 16’ above OHW. Nor do I think we need to.
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Today we started the major site excavation. I got dizzy moving so many truck loads of dirt across the street.
The two equipment operators were efficient.
None of the rocks so far exposed has been too big to handle. Minor miracle
We have about 8 vertical feet still to dig.
I am thrilled with the progress thus far.