Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Construction Update: unbearable

It may be the dog days of summer, but we were visited by a mother bear and her cub. Fortunately pictured trotting away . . .

Still struggling with what to do about the pine needle floor. Just can’t accept the offer to shot blast it. So tired of going backwards when all I want to do is go forward.

We did focus on the middle deck that was only a single truck of concrete. You can see that we seeded it with larger aggregate and then gave it the exposed treatment. The pour went super smooth.

For this beam, I reused the wooden fish templates. When we strip the forms, I will fill the fish forms with a darker mud. Then the beam gets a quick grind. If all goes per plan, the beam will project the shadows of the fish.

$85,000 is the bid for a ‘green’ roof. That’s $20 a foot on top of a perfectly good concrete roof. Turned my complexion green, that’s for sure. More on that to come.


1 comment:

  1. You should look at either Xypex or Kryton to fully waterproof your slab--even good if normal shrinkage cracks occur as it will re-activate and seal them.
    I am not a saleman for them--just know they both work well.
    Jonathan Hampton
    Ceramic Cement Research
